Le Klint, Egestubben 13, 5270 Odense N, Central Business Reg. No. 377501115, is responsible for the information you submit to Le Klint.
We save the information (name, address, phone and e-mail) and use this information to provide the best possible service for you. We only registrate and pass on personal data necessary for delivering the products to you.
When collecting personal information through our website, we ensure that it always happens with your consent, so that you are informed of exactly what information is collected and why. This data is registered at Le Klint A/S and will be kept for a period of five years. Afterwards the information will be deleted.
We do not transmit customer information/data encrypted. Any information provided to Leklint.com is not transmitted or sold in any way to third parties, and we do not register any sensitive personal information. By subscribing to the newsletter, we register your e-mail address. Your e-mail address is not given to others.
As registered at Le KlintA/S, you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right of access to the information saved about you. Information concerning this can be given by contacting Le Klint A/S through e-mail shop@leklint.dk. Please contact us if you feel your personal data is not processed according to legislation.
When you visit leklint.com, the so-called cookies, i.e. information that you have visited our website, are saved. As a consequence, Le Klint will receive information on the number of visitors and which sites are the most popular. Furthermore, this enables us to provide you with more specific and relevant information when you visit leklint.com.